Why Is Membership Important?
Imagine a room full of people who are committed to you and your business. Imagine building strong referral partners built on shared relationship and trust. Imagine people who become friends as well as colleagues.
These things can’t happen through random networking. This is the power of membership, where people have focused on purposefully building relationships so that referrals come naturally.
This is the Texas Business Connection.
Benefits of Membership
Connections: By connecting with other motivated business owners, you can create an abundance of opportunities! Opportunities like joint ventures, client leads, and partnerships are commonplace here.
Increased Confidence: Texas Business Connection provides a training ground where you can step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Practice your sound bites, tag lines, promotions.
Growth & Showcase Opportunities
Workshops: We bring in our member-experts to give bi-monthly workshops on relevant topics for business and personal development. This is an amazing venue to gain knowledge and skill and for showcasing our members.
MasterMind Calls: Monthly calls where our member-experts field a certain business topic.
Podcasts: We host a weekly podcast where all of our members are invited to participate.
Training: The business training and personal development topics presented each week push members to work ON their business, not just IN their business
Business Leads: The leads you get through Texas Business Connection are high-quality and relationship-based.
Friendship: A great side effect to networking weekly is the friendships you’ll gain.

Is Membership Right for You?
Lives and businesses are being changed through Texas Business Connection, but maybe you aren't quite ready. Click the link below find out if membership is right for you.